Breast cancer can be cured if diagnosed early
Breast diseases, both benign (non Cancerous) and malignant (cancer), are extremely common.
The life time risk of developing breast cancer for any women is one in nine.
This risk increases with certain risk factors e.g., age above 50 years, family history
of breast or ovarian cancer, hormonal treatment, etc.
Many women do not know where to go if they have a problem like breast pain, lump, skin changes, nipple changes
or abnormal nipple discharge and infections of the breast.
All over the world such patients are seen, assessed and treatment provided in a specialized breast surgery department.
Now this comprehensive breast care facility is available also at Ittefaq Hospital (Trust) Lahore. Most patients seen in the breast clinic may need triple assessment.
Imaging services
I. Mammography
II. Ultrasound breast
III. Ultrasound guided biopsies & procedures
IV. All female staff
What is triple assessment?
Most breast diseases need triple assessment
1. Examination of the breast
This is performed by a Dr. Huma Majeed & her team(breast surgeon) in the breast clinic, located on 3nd floor outpatients department.
Need for further tests are assessed and surgical treatment planned and provided.
2. Radiological examination
This may require either or both of the following, depending upon the age of the patient and the nature of the problem:
. Sonomammogram (ultrasound of the breast)
. Mammography (x-ray of the breasts)
3- Biopsy or tissue diagnosis
Lumps and suspicious areas in the breast should have a fine needle aspirate biopsy (FNAC) or a core biopsy.This saves unnecessary operations and in 80% of
the patients, a diagnosis is made and proper surgery planned if required. This can be performed without the need of general anesthesiaor admission to the
For appointments call at Ext- 476 or +92-334-4276402 between 8:00am to 3pm (Monday – Saturday)
Additional services
For the patients who have breast cancer, consultant oncologist is the part of the breast clinic team. Need for chemotherapy and radiotherapy is assessed and treatment is provided.
Plastic surgery
This includes reconstructive surgery after cancer surgery. Also, cosmetic surgery of the breast for conditions, like too small or too large breasts and drooping breasts in available.
Screening Services
Breast cancer is curable and breast can be conserved (may not be completely removed if it is diagnosed early. Even is the absence of breast problems,
all women above 40 should have a two yearly mammogram ultrasound breast and USG breastand even earlier if they are high risk.
All women should examine their breasts every month from the age of 20
Add: link to breast self exam
Are you at risk?
It is highly advised that the following women should have a yearly mammogram and ultrasound of breast both sides of the breast so that early breast cancer
(which is not even felt on examination of the breast) can be diagnosed. In this way breast cancer can be detected early & the chances of a cure are high.
• All women above the age of 40
• Women with a close relative suffering from breast cancer (sister, mother, maternal aunt or maternal grandmother). In such cases screening should start five years
earlier than the age at which the relative was diagnosed with cancer. E.g. if the relative is 40 year old when diagnosed, screening should start at the age of 35.
• Women on hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
• Women already diagnosed to have cancer of one breast.
• Women with a close relative suffering with ovarian canceror many different type of cancer in the family.
• Women with 2 or more previous breast biopsies even if benign. Women with known atypical hyperplasia & lobular carcinoma in situ.
• Women with history of fertility treatment
• Women who had radiation to the chest wall for some other condition.