Mian Muhammad Sharif (Late)
(Founder of Ittefaq Hospital)
I am delighted that Ittefaq Hospital is near completion of its first twenty years of service which is known for its quality and service. The moving spirit behind this noble idea was the dream of myself, my brothers and trustees to provide quality service to the both rich and poor at large and help and assist the needy in health care under one roof. I wish the Ittefaq Hospital continuous success in its endeavors.
To provide Quality Health Care Facilities at affordable cost to paying patients and on reasonable discount to non-affording patients under one roof. To establish standards of excellence with state of the art equipment and highly trained staff.
24x7 Service
Emergency, Acute Care and Cardiac Emergency Service Line at Ittefaq Hospital (Trust) Lahore, is open 24 hours a day, 7 days of the week and accepts patients of all ages, with all types of emergencies.
Emergency Help
UAN +92-42-111-77-00-00
PHONE +92-42-35881981-88
FAX +92-42-35860160
EMAIL info@ittefaqhospital.com
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